Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Welcome to my new blog, Happily Balanced!

And I'm just going to get right to it, jump right in, and ask you some questions...

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time to do it in? Do you ever say to yourself, "I'll get my act together when _________" ( you fill in the blank ) Are you often stressed, burned out, with little time for yourself? Do you ever feel you're so busy making a living, that you've forgotten to make a life?

If so, you've come to the right place!  I've worked at creating balance in my life for a long time now and I hope to share some things that have helped me over the years. And I hope you will share your ideas with me as well! Together we can work out how to live a happily balanced life!

So what does a happily balanced life look like to you? Do you need more time for yourself ? Do you need more serenity in your life? Do you need to simplify your life? All of these things and more? To be sure,  it will look somewhat differently for each person. And yet, for everyone I believe a balanced life will always be found in creating balance in all of the following areas: Personal Life ( mind, body, spirit ); Relationships; Work; Home Life; Giving/Serving. I will be using these areas to guide us in seeking out  a life of balance. Every aspect of our lives can fit into one of these categories.

Does a happily balanced life seem unattainable to you? Does it sound just like "more work"? Well, relax then!  Because my goal is to help you take baby steps to this life you desire. Small, incremental steps that will lead to habits, that will help you create more "space" in your life and thus more balance, serenity, and happiness. And my hope is to make these small steps somewhat enjoyable. I know...a tall order...but totally possible!

So how does the following  scenario sound to you? Your life is full, having beautiful relationships with people you love, work you adore, a comfortable home, time to give of yourself in helping and serving others,  and time for yourself in order to meet your physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.  Did I leave anything out?

This life does not require you to be rich in money. But you can be rich in all the resources of life that are truly important and lead to being happily balanced.

And while we cannot always control everything in our lives, working on those things we can control can help us achieve a happily balanced life.

So I hope you'll join me in the fun of creating a life that is balanced in all areas.

There will be a "freebie" coming soon so sign up to receive my posts so you don't miss out!

Thanks for stopping by!


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